McLaren Memorial Concert

About the Martin McLaren Foundation

The Martin McLaren Foundation was formed in 2022 from the merger of two trusts, the Martin McLaren Memorial Trust and The Alphege Trust. Both have supported arts, environment, built environment and gardening projects for more than 30 years.  Established in memory of a politician with very strong gardening and political connections, the Martin McLaren Memorial Trust was involved in garden education and exchange for over 30 years through the work of his wife, Nancy McLaren.

In 1992, after a tour to an Eastern Europe that was then emerging from communist rule, Nancy responded to requests from Polish gardeners to visit England and formed the Martin McLaren European Gardens Exchange Scheme. Gradually more European countries became involved in these 3-week exchanges for gardeners. Today many of those who run the great gardens of Europe and Britain have reason to be grateful for her vision. Part of the Scholarship was transferred to the National Trust in 2008 where it flourishes, providing opportunities for learning from and with colleagues in Europe. A particularly important aspect of our work in the last 10 years has been development of gardening links between Britain, Morocco and Spain in the form of a three-way scholarship and the online learning project English Through Gardening.

As Chairman of an Exchange Horticultural Scholarship with the English Speaking Union and the Garden Club of America (GCA), Nancy nurtured many young gardeners and was awarded the GCA’s lifetime achievement medal. This Exchange is now administered by the RHS through its bursaries scheme in conjunction with the GCA. Nancy McLaren died in 2020, aged 98, but was involved with the Trust to the very end of her life. Some of her former students are now helping with current scholarship work.

McLaren Memorial Concert
About the Martin McLaren Foundation

The Martin McLaren Foundation was formed in 2022 from the merger of two trusts, the Martin McLaren Memorial Trust and The Alphege Trust. Both have supported arts, environment, built environment and gardening projects for more than 30 years.  Established in memory of a politician with very strong gardening and political connections, the Martin McLaren Memorial Trust was involved in garden education and exchange for over 30 years through the work of his wife, Nancy McLaren.

In 1992, after a tour to an Eastern Europe that was then emerging from communist rule, Nancy responded to requests from Polish gardeners to visit England and formed the Martin McLaren European Gardens Exchange Scheme. Gradually more European countries became involved in these 3-week exchanges for gardeners. Today many of those who run the great gardens of Europe and Britain have reason to be grateful for her vision. Part of the Scholarship was transferred to the National Trust in 2008 where it flourishes, providing opportunities for learning from and with colleagues in Europe. A particularly important aspect of our work in the last 10 years has been development of gardening links between Britain, Morocco and Spain in the form of a three-way scholarship and the online learning project English Through Gardening.

As Chairman of an Exchange Horticultural Scholarship with the English Speaking Union and the Garden Club of America (GCA), Nancy nurtured many young gardeners and was awarded the GCA’s lifetime achievement medal. This Exchange is now administered by the RHS through its bursaries scheme in conjunction with the GCA. Nancy McLaren died in 2020, aged 98, but was involved with the Trust to the very end of her life. Some of her former students are now helping with current scholarship work.

Current projects funded by the Trust

The REEP McLaren Scholarship

A three-way gardening exchange between Britain, Spain and Morocco

Growing Gardeners

A kitchen gardening project at a girls’ boarding house in Marrakech

Anglo-Moroccan Shakespeare Gardens

A gardening and arts project celebrating the links between Morocco and England through the works of Shakespeare

English Through Gardening

An interactive resource designed to teach gardening and basic English language at the same time

These projects are carried out by REEP with funding from the Martin McLaren Foundation.

For more about REEP projects, see

Current projects funded by the Trust
The REEP McLaren Scholarship

A three-way gardening exchange between Britain, Spain and Morocco

Growing Gardeners

A kitchen gardening project at a girls’ boarding house in Marrakech

Anglo-Moroccan Shakespeare Gardens

A gardening and arts project celebrating the links between Morocco and England through the works of Shakespeare

English Through Gardening

An interactive resource designed to teach gardening and basic English language at the same time

These projects are carried out by REEP with funding from the Martin McLaren Foundation.

For more about these and other REEP projects, see

Please note:   The Martin McLaren Foundation is small. Projects are largely initiated by the Trust itself and its funds are earmarked for the next few years. We regret that we are currently unable to respond to most unsolicited applications.

Please note:   The Martin McLaren Foundation is small. Projects are largely initiated by the Trust itself and its funds are earmarked for the next few years. We regret that we are currently unable to respond to most unsolicited applications.

Where are they now?

Just some of the former Exchange Students connected with the Martin McLaren Foundation

Where are they now?

Just some of the former Exchange Students connected with the Martin McLaren Foundation

Nancy McLaren & Richard McLaren

The McLaren foundation wishes to pay tribute to Nancy McLaren (d.2020) and her son Richard McLaren (d.2022). Both were committed to the objectives of the Foundation and brought flair and imagination to its growth. Many people, especially past Scholars, found that Nancy and Richard became personal friends and, though they will be greatly missed, their influence will continue through the work of the McLaren Foundation.

Nancy Gordon McLaren


Richard Francis McLaren

Nancy McLaren
Nancy McLaren & Richard McLaren

The McLaren foundation wishes to pay tribute to Nancy McLaren (d.2020) and her son Richard McLaren (d.2022). Both were committed to the objectives of the Foundation and brought flair and imagination to its growth. Many people, especially past Scholars, found that Nancy and Richard became personal friends and, though they will be greatly missed, their influence will continue through the work of the McLaren Foundation.

Nancy McLaren